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Package Registry

The WASM Analyzer Package Registry is accessible via the Open Package Registry button1 on the start page, and as a navigation item2 in the main WASM Analyzer interface sidebar. The Package Registry displays a list of WebAssembly packages from a given repository. Read more about packages in our WebAssembly documentation, here.

The Open Package Registry button on the WASM Analyzer start page The Open Package Registry button

The Package Registry tab on the WASM Analyzer main page The Package Registry

Package Registry address field

In the Package Registry header section, you’ll find an address field:

Address field The Package Registry address field

The default address for this field is:

To fetch a list of packages from a different repository, enter the address of a valid WebAssembly package repository into the address field and press the enter key, tab out of the address field, or click somewhere else on the page.

If you’ve entered a valid address to a WASM package repository, the page will update with a the package list from your selected repository. You may empty the address field to reload a list from the ByteCode Alliance package preview repository.

Package Registry search function

Above the package list, you’ll find the search bar:

Search bar The Package Registry search bar

The search bar contains a search filter button1, and a search field2:

Filter button and search bar The Package Registry filter button and search field

To run a basic search for package names matching a specific package name search query, click on the search field. Type in a search word and press the enter key, tab out of the search field, or click elsewhere on the page. After you initiate a search, the list will update with a set of search results matching your query. If no matches are available, the list will be emtpy.

Filter list

To filter the package list by various package attributes, you can click the filter button to access a dropdown with the filter menu:

Filter menu The Package Registry search filter

The search filter has three tabs. The tabs are By category, By license, and By author.

By category tab

The By category tab contains settings for filtering the package list by Category:

By category tab The Package Registry search filter By category tab

Enter a valid category name into the category field, and press the enter key, to add that category to a list of one or more category tags.

![Category tag list]../images/(placeholder.png) The Package Registry search filter category tag list

By license tab

The By license tab contains settings for filtering the package list by License:

By license tab The Package Registry search filter By license tab

Select one or more licenses from the license checklist:

License checklist The Package Registry search filter license checklist

By owner tab

The By author tab contains settings for filtering the package list by Author:

By author tab The Package Registry search filter By author tab

Select one or more authors from the Author checklist:

Author checklist The Package Registry search filter Author checklist

Loading the Search filter results

Once you’ve completed your search filter settings, press the Apply1 button to update the Package Registry list as per your search filter settings. Use the Cancel2 button to unset the filter and keep the currently loaded package list:

Search filter buttons The Package Registry search filter buttons

Package Registry list items

Each package in the list is represented by a card:

Package Registry card A Package Registry card

The left part of the card contains the following Metadata, if available:

Name1Published name of the package: Click on this field to enter the Metadata view for this package.
Version2Latest published version of the package
Component type3Component type of the package; Possible values: Component, Interface, or Module
Description4Package description
Homepage5Homepage link
Documentation6Documentation link
Repository7Repository link
Category tags8List of meta categories; A tag list

Package Registry card, right side Package Registry card, right side

The right part of the card contains the following:

Latest Release1Publishing date of the latest version of the package
Releases2Number of released versions of the package
Size3Package size in bytes, displayed as kilobytes/megabytes as appropriate
Author4List of one or more package authors, including email address if available
License5Representation of the license, or licenses, the package falls under

Package Registry card, right side Package Registry card, left side


  • The Package Registry is accessible from the Open Package Registry button, on the WASM Analyzer start page, or from the Package Registry tab once you’ve loaded a .wasm file, or a package from the Package Registry list.
  • A list of packages from a different package package repository may by fetched, by entering a repository address in the address field.
  • The Package Registry can be searched or filtered using the search bar.
  • Packages are represented as cards that contain some of the available metadata for a given package.
  • Clicking on a package name in the list leads to a more detailed Metadata view, for that package.

Additional reading