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The WASM Analyzer Metadata Overview is accessible via clicking on the name of a package in the Package Registry package list1, and as a navigation item2 in the main WASM Analyzer interface. The Metadata Overview displays a representation of the available metadata for a given package. Read more about packages in our WebAssembly documentation, here.

Clickable card name in the Package Registry list A clickable package name on a package card in the Package registry list

Metadata navigation item on the WASM Analyzer siderbar The Metadata navigation item on the WASM Analyzer sidebar

Metadata overview

The main Metadata overview section contains the following metadata for a given package, when such information is available:

Name1Name defined in the names section or if not present the published name of the package
Languages2One or more programming language used to produce the source code for the .wasm file or package
Hash3sha256 of the .wasm file, or package
Type4Type of the package, or contents of the .wasm file; Possible values: Component, Interface, or Module
Tools5Tools used to produce the .wasm file, or package
Size6Package size in bytes, displayed as kilobytes/megabytes as appropriate
SDK7SDK the .wasm file, or package was built on
Version8Latest published version of the package

Main Metadata section The main Metadata section

In addition, the Metadata overview may contain the following:

Component type1Content type of the package, possible values: Component or Module
WASM Version2WebAssembly version the package was created for, displayed for Modules
Component Version3Component Model version* the package was created for, displayed for Components
Encoding4Shows whether is a Component, or a Module according to the WebAssembly Component Module.
padlock symbol5Displays for locked packages; Shown if the package requires specific versions of its dependencies.
box symbol6Displays for packages with bundled dependencies; Shown if the package includes its own dependencies.

Metadata overview for Component The Metadata overview displayed for a Component

Metadata overview for Module The Metadata overview displayed for a Module

Registry Metadata

Below the main Metadata overview, the Registry Metadata section displays additional Metadata, when available:

License1Representation of the license, or licenses, the package falls under
Authors2List of one or more package authors, including email address where available
Homepage3Homepage link, when appropriate URL is included in the metadata of the .wasm file or package
Documentation4Documentation link, when appropriate URL is included in the metadata of the .wasm file or package
Repository5Repository link, when appropriate URL is included in the metadata of the .wasm file or package
Categories6List of meta categories; A tag list

Metadata Registry section The Metadata Registry section

The Metadata Registry section may also include the Fund this package button. If present, this button will redirect you to an external page where you have the option of sending money in support of the package author:

Metadata Registry section funding button The Fund this package button


  • The Metadata overview can be accessed by opening a .wasm file from the WASM Analyzer start page, or by clicking the name of a package in the Package Registry list pf packages.
  • The Metadata overview gives you a detailed view of various metadata attributes of a .wasm file or package.

Additional reading