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WebAssembly building blocks: Summary

  • A module is divided into several possible known sections, dedicated to different kinds of functionality.
  • The Imports section contains the external functions, tables, memories and globals a Wasm module or component requires.
  • The Exports section contains the functions, tables, memories and globals a Wasm module or component exposes to external code.
  • Functions in WebAssembly are the same as functions, methods, or subroutines in most programming languages. Functions are defined in the Functions section of a WebAssembly Module.
  • WebAssembly Tables are similar to arrays of function references. A Table is defined in the Table section of a WebAssembly Module.
  • Memories are buffers that are used by WebAssembly code for data storage. Memories can be shared. Memories are defined in the Memory section of a WebAssembly Module.
  • Modules may also contain Custom Sections. Custom Sections aren’t standardized, and they may contain all sorts of information, like debugging information, or metadata.